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Special Fit Contacts

In some instances, patients have been unable to achieve acceptable vision with eyeglasses or contact lenses, but with the use of Custom Fitted Contacts or Special Fit Contacts, we have been able to restore vision in some patients. These custom fits entail more time working with the doctor, but allows better vision for special cases. Patients with certain eye conditions like high astigmatism, Keratoconus, or Corneal Transplants often times are not able to see with traditional glasses or contact lenses. Dr. Nguyen is able to give her complex cases several choices to enhance their vision. She has been very successful at fitting Scleral Contact Lenses, Soft Novakone lenses, and Hybrid lenses. Each gives patients comfortable clear vision that was thought to be once impossible.

Scleral RGPs

Scleral RGPs are very similar to traditional RGPs but are much wider. These contacts vault over the cornea and rests on the sclera, or the whites of the eyes. The space between the contact lens and the cornea fills with tears, correcting irregular astigmatism, and allowing the patient to achieve better vision. The peripheral landing zone of the lens is designed to rest on the sclera to give the patient gets better comfort.



Another option for patients who have Keratoconus, Pellucids, Irregular Astigmatism, or patients who have had corneal transplants is the Novakone lens. Many of the previously mentioned patients are not able to wear traditional RGP or soft contact lenses to obtain acceptable vision. EyeScript Vision Care is trained and certified to fit Novakone lenses. The way the contact lens fits on the eye and its varying degrees of thickness, neutralizes irregular astigmatism to allow better stable vision with additional comfort.

Hybrid Lenses/Synergeyes/Duette Lenses

These lenses are a cross between a traditional RGP and a soft lens. The center of the contact lens is rigid, but it has a soft skirt made out of a soft contact lens. This allows both crisp vision of an RGP and comfort of a soft lens.

Hybrid Lenses / Synergeyes / Duette Lenses


These lenses are a cross between a traditional RGP and a soft lens. The center of the contact lens is rigid, but it has a soft skirt made out of a soft contact lens. This allows both crisp vision of an RGP and comfort of a soft lens.

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